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Reg Park Natural Bodybuilding Workout
Reg Park was a big man with a lot of muscle. He was exactly what the public mass-monsters of today would call big, who consider a man like Dorian Yates their hero. Back then, Reg was the leader of ‘big’ muscle and he proved it by winning the NABBA Mr. Universe title in 1951.
Reg cemented his contribution to bodybuilding by winning the Mr. Universe competition three times all before 1958. But Reg became more than just the first non-American to win the Mr. Universe title, he started the success of many a bodybuilder when he explained his 5 X 5 training philosophy.
The 5 X 5 routine listed below is the routine that Reg Park himself published in his 1960 manual Strength & Bulk Training for Weight Lifters and Body Builders. Reg said himself it helped him to win three Mr. Universe titles. and standing 6'1" tall with 220lbs of muscle, had never been seen before. Arnold himself explains the affect that looking on Reg Parks obvious strength did for him in those days.
Reg split his 5 X 5 training into three phases, the following three different phases were printed in his manual in 1960. Starting with the 5 X 5 rep scheme below and training 3 times a week, resting 3 to 5 minutes between each set on the last couple of sets.
Phase One:
45-degree back extensions 3 X 10
Back Squats 5 X 5 reps
Bench-press 5 X 5 reps
Deadlifts 5 X 5 repsPhase Two:
Min 2 minutes' rest between each set. 3 X week for 3 months.
45-degree back extensions 3-4 X 10 reps
Front Squats 5 X 5 reps
Back Squats 5 X 5 reps
Bench-press 5 X 5 reps
Bent-over B/B rows 5 X 5
Deadlifts 5 X 3 reps
D/B Military Press 5 X 5 reps
Barbell Curls 5 X 5 reps
Lying Triceps extensions 5 X 5 reps
Standing calf raises 5 X 25 repsPhase Three:
45-degree back-extensions 4 X 10 reps
Front squats 5 X 5 reps
Back squats 5 X 5 reps
Standing B/B shoulder press 5 X 5 reps
Bench-press 5 X 5 reps
Bent-over B/B rows 5 X 5 reps
Deadlift 5 X 3 reps
Military press or one-arm D/B press 5 X 5 reps
Barbell curls 5 X 5 reps
Lying triceps extensions 5 X 8 reps
Standing barbell calf raises 5 X 25 reps
Rest 2 minutes between each set.
Do for 3 months, then change back to phase one.
Reg Park Workout
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